Good app…but
Things I love about this app:
• Fake Duplex! Scan one side of a long two sided document, such as a magazine, then flip it over and scan the reverse side. Then click ‘Fake Duplex’ and the pages are neatly shuffled together in order. This feature alone was worth the price of the app for me.
Things I like about this app:
• Deskew - not always perfect, but can be useful at times.
• Crop - does a pretty good estimation of the page’s borders. I would like to see resize handles on the crop area to make easy adjustments. As it is when I click on the selection to adjust I loose the selection and have to start from scratch. Also add a button to "Crop Selected Pages”, in addition to ‘Crop Document’, which is also a great feature.
• OCR - a must have for this type of program.
Things I don’t like about this app:
• Very slow to save large PDFs. Make a small change to a single page and ‘Save takes forever. It would be good if the developers took a look at Apple’s Preview to see how it handles PDF saving, which seems almost instantaneous compared to PDFScanner.
• Command F doesn’t do what you think it is going to do. Instead of acting as a ‘Find’, Command F does Fake Duplex Reordering. This is a bad, bad idea and should be changed immediately.
• Undo Crop may be broken in the current version (1.8) I did a Crop Document and then an Undo and ended up with the first page of my document had replaced all my pages. Had to quit without saving to recover. Another reason to add Crop Selected Pages to the options.
Doug Alder about
PDFScanner - Scanning and OCR, v1.8.0